5-Minute Discord Integration Guide

Integrating With Discord Connect in 5 Minutes

Discord Connect is a simple way to let users log in to your app using their Discord account.

This module does the heavy lifting of integrating your Co:Create app with Discord Connect.
It takes in your Co:Create app's settings and returns a link that you can use to connect a user's Discord account to your app.

The link will redirect the user to Discord, where they can log in to their Discord account and authorize your app to access their account.


  • Node.js 16 LTS or higher

  • NPM or Yarn

  • Your app to serve on localhost:3000


    npm install @usecocreate/sdk


Import the discord module from the SDK.

    import { discord } from "@usecocreate/sdk";

The example below shows the connectDiscordLink function that returns a Discord connect link based on your Co:Create app's settings:

    import React from "react";
    import { discord } from "@usecocreate/sdk";

    function DiscordConnectButton() {
    const link = discord.connectDiscordLink({
        clientId: "560d0d00-0f02-47e3-a1ae-c349bb46874e",
        redirectUrl: "http://localhost:3000/discord_test",
        userEmail: "email@example.com",
        sessionVerifier: "my_session_verifier",

    return (
        <a href={link} target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
        Connect Discord
    export default DiscordConnectButton;


clientIdstringThe client id from your Co:Create Admin Portal.no
redirectUrlstringThe URL to redirect to after the user has connected their Discord account. Must be in the URL allowlist for the app id.no
userEmailstringThe user's email.no
sessionVerifierstringA unique token that is sent back in the redirect URL. This can be used to verify that the callback is coming from Co:Create.no


Get Help

If you get stuck at any time, reach out to us on Discord or contact us via email at help@gessolabs.com.