πŸ§ͺ Sandbox vs. Production Environment

Our API provides two environments for different use cases: Sandbox and Production.

  1. Sandbox (API Base URL: https://api.testcocrt.xyz/): Ideal for prototyping and testing your application without affecting real data. This environment utilizes the Polygon Mumbai Testnet, where all contracts and asset types are deployed. The Sandbox also offers a testing ground for our latest features, which may not yet be available in the Production environment.

  2. Production (API Base URL: https://api.cocrt.xyz/): This environment is designed for live applications and real-world use cases. It handles all transactions and operations on the Mainnet Polygon network, ensuring secure and reliable functionality.

By offering separate environments, we allow developers to experiment and fine-tune their applications in the Sandbox before deploying them in the Production environment, minimizing risks and ensuring a smooth user experience.


Keep your Production API key a secret!

Your Production API Key is a secret and should be stored securely. It should not be exposed to your frontend codebase or to any user.


Sandbox data may reset from time to time

Sandbox data may reset from time to time due to system maintenance routines and / or other circumstances. When this is planned to take place, we will provide updates in Discord in advance.


All requests to the API are authenticated, and they require the Secret API Key to be passed along in the Authorization Header in the request as a Bearer token.

Here is what the Authorization request header looks like

Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_KEY_HERE>


Get Help

If you get stuck at any time, reach out to us on Discord or contact us via email at help@gessolabs.com.